Celotex Thermaclass Cavity Wall 21: Superior Insulation for Cavity Wall Applications
Thermaclass Cavity Wall 21 is a polyisocyanurate (PIR) insulation board for full fill cavity wall applications, with excellent thermal performance (0.021 W/mK). Featuring a low emissivity foil facing, it can be installed with up to a 10mm residual cavity (to support ease of installation and accommodate mortar squeeze) or as a full fill solution with no residual cavity.
Using Thermaclass Cavity Wall 21, Approved Document L notional dwelling specification target, for a wall of 0.18 W/m2
K can be met with only a 100mm cavity*. Assessed by the British Board of Agrément (BBA) as being fit for use in a full fill application, Thermaclass Cavity Wall 21 will resist any water transfer across the cavity to the inner leaf if installed, used, and maintained as set out in the certificate.

Key Features of Celotex Thermaclass Cavity Wall 21:
Thermal performance:
Excellent performance with a thermal conductivity of 0.021 W/m2
K, reducing the thickness of the cavity required to achieve the target U-value.
Tongue and groove engineered profile:
Helping to ensure a continuous layer of insulation and minimise gaps between boards, maximising thermal performance and providing protection from wind driven rain. When installed according to our Installation Guide, the tongue and groove profile also removes the requirement to tape the joints between the boards to prevent water ingress.
The boards are sized to fit standard cavity wall tie spacing. They are light and rigid, assisting with ease of transportation, handling, and fitting.
High performance facer:
Low emissivity foil facing provides improved thermal performance in sealed cavity air spaces, improving the achievable U-value.
Important Considerations:
Building Height Limitation: For domestic applications, it is not advised to use Celotex Thermaclass Cavity Wall 21 in buildings over 11 meters in storey height.
Enquire about Thermaclass Cavity Wall with your local branch.